Age classification for games and apps

You need an age rating for a game or an app? Here you will find information on all types of classification procedures by the USK.

Depending on the way a game or app is published, there are different types of classification procedures. Games that are to be physically distributed are reviewed differently than games that are published via storefronts connected to the IARC system. More information about these and all other types of publishing can be found here.
If you want to offer digital games to the public in Germany, you can apply for an age rating here.
On this page you will find all the dates on which the USK reviews games using the standard procedure.
Within the IARC system, the USK also assigns age ratings for games and apps.
We are happy to advise you on all other types of online publication.
Games that are presented at an event also require a classification by the USK.
You are an exhibitor and need an age rating for gamescom? Here you will find all the information you need.
Age ratings for teaching and information programmes which serve to convey information or school learning.
Here you can find all the forms you need to apply for an age rating.
Here you can find an overview of the costs of the various types of classification procedures and services.
You can find information on the use and download the age ratings here.